Admin Backend – FAQ

Where can I see quick stats? You can see quick stats on the admin dashboard analytics page. What is the difference between registered vs. active tutors? [...]

How to setup testimonials?

Admin BackendCan the admin delete the group class from the backend?Will the calendar show correct date if the admin books a class behalf of a tutor?What [...]

How to create static pages?

Admin BackendCan the admin delete the group class from the backend?Will the calendar show correct date if the admin books a class behalf of a tutor?What [...]

How payout requests work?

Admin BackendCan the admin delete the group class from the backend?Will the calendar show correct date if the admin books a class behalf of a tutor?What [...]

How does admin handle payments?

Admin BackendCan the admin delete the group class from the backend?Will the calendar show correct date if the admin books a class behalf of a tutor?What [...]

How to create coupon codes?

Admin BackendCan the admin delete the group class from the backend?Will the calendar show correct date if the admin books a class behalf of a tutor?What [...]