Where can I see quick stats?

You can see quick stats on the admin dashboard analytics page.

What is the difference between registered vs. active tutors?

Registered tutors can be active or inactive in the platform( admin can activate or deactivate the tutors from the platform).

Active tutors are those who are not deactivated by the admin.

How to deactivate a tutor & What happens to the content?

Admin can deactivate the tutor from the backend.

Though deactivated by the admin, the tutor can still be active on his dashboard, but his profile and courses or group classes will be temporarily unavailable on the homepage. The tutor can contact the Admin for more details.

How to set tutor as featured?

Tutors can be set as featured from toggle On from the admin backend. The featured tutors will be highlighted in the front end.

How to display tutors on the homepage?

The admin can check the toggle on the page from the admin backend, to make the tutor displayed on the home page.

Different appointment statuses – what does it mean?

Below are the appointment status and its meaning. 

  • Pending – The class is still pending, not started
  • Canceled- The class is canceled.
  • In progress -The class is on the go.
  • Completed – The class is completed
  • Not started -The class did not start.

Does multi-language support RTL?

No, multi-language will not support RTL.

What is the use of Grades / Subjects / Categories / Topics?

Categories subjects and topics are unified for 1-1 class, group class and courses in the platform. Grades are used to associate the group class and courses.

Is there any option to change the signup page image from the backend?

Yes, there is an option to change the signup page from the backend.

Can the admin cancel the group class from the backend?

Yes the admin can cancel the group class form the backend and the student will be initiated with refund request automatically by the system.

Can the tutor choose white board of his choice ( Zoom/Lessonspace) on the platform?

No, only the siteowner ie admin can only choose the white board for the platform.

Does the admin has features related to marketing that can be set from the backend?

Yes, now the admin can set these features from the backend,

     1.Hello bar to convey something for users on the front end

     2.SEO settings for all major pages

     3.Header and body scripts options are provided which can be used for Adwords conversion tracking,facebook pixel analytics,live chat and google analytics.

Can the admin manage the pictures from the backend?

Yes the admin can change the picture of his choice on how it works page and homepage.

How to set up lesson space from the backend?

The admin can provide the Api key, organistaion ID, HookURL