What is the difference between single-day group classes vs. multi-day group classes?

If a group class has different time slots in a day, it’s a multiple group class and if it has a one-time slot in a day is a Single day group class.

Can the group class be canceled?

The group classes can be canceled by the students or tutors, 24 hours before the class starts.

How do students and tutors receive appointment links for the group class?

1.The group class slots of the group class are clustered and bundled together in the appointments page and lessons page  of the tutors and students respectively  (instead of separate appointment for each class)

2.There will be zoom icon links displayed against each appointment for the group class  slots (my appointments page ) and students ( my lessons page). Apart from that, there will also be reminder emails 8 hours and 1 hour before the session starts.


Is there a time limit before which students can book a group class?

The student can book a group class 30 minutes before the group class.

Can a student attend the webinar himself and give the group class to his friend as well?

Yes, the student can attend the class as well as gift the same group class to his friends.

Can a student book the same group class twice?

The student can book only once for the group class. The book now button will be disabled after the student buys it once.

Why does it say time overlaps when a tutor sets the group class timing?

Because it overlaps with the time slots of other sessions booked by the tutor.

What are the course materials in a group class for?

The tutor can attach the course materials for the group classes for the students to download and use the course materials and make use of it as lesson material.

Can the users know how many slots are left for the group class left and the number of participants who have booked?

The students can see the number of participants who have enrolled and the slots left for that particular group class when trying to book for that class.

How to get a group class featured on the website?

The group class can be made featured by the admin from the admin backend, to display as featured in the front end.

If a group class has multiple sessions inside – The payment is for a single class or all classes together?

The payment is for all the classes together.

Can the student purchase the same group class again?

The student cant purchase the group class which is not expired as it comes with the purchased tag.