Other than only email notifications, Pinlearn keeps users aware of everything happening on the platform. Students, as well as tutors, are kept updated about the happenings on the platform through this platform notifications feature. With regular updates and notifications, you’ll never miss anything important on Pinlearn.

How does it work?

  • The notifications button is present at the top right corner of the homepage for users, both students, and tutors.
  • By clicking on the notifications button, users can see the list of the latest notifications of what is happening on the platform.
  • A blue dot on the notification indicates that the notification is unread.
  • Along with the notification, users get 2 more buttons, ‘mark as read’ and ‘see all’ for their notifications.
  • By clicking on a notification, a user is taken to the respective notification function.

Notifications for Tutors

Here are some scenarios for which notifications can be enabled for tutors.

  • When a student books a free session for a one to one class with the tutor.
  • When a student cancels the one to one class with the tutor.
  • When a student reschedules the one to one class with the tutor.
  • When the student rates and reviews the completed one to one class with the tutor.
  • When a student books a free session for a group class with the tutor.
  • When a student cancels the group class with the tutor.
  • When a student rates and reviews the completed group class of the tutor.
  • When the tutor’s course is approved by the admin.
  • When the tutor’s course is rejected at the backend by the admin.
  • When the tutor’s course is disabled by the admin in the backend.
  • When a student cancels the course.
  • When a student uploads the lesson material.

Notifications for Students

Here are a few scenarios for which notifications can be enabled for students.

  • When a tutor cancels the one to one class with the student.
  • When the admin accepts the refund request of the student in the backend.
  • When the admin rejects the refund request of the student in the backend.
  • When a tutor reviews and rates the student.
  • When a tutor cancels the group class of the student.
  • When a tutor uploads learning material on the platform.